Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Operation Flat Belly - The Diet That's Not Really a Diet

Economom Amie's musings on shedding her post-baby weight, also known as Operation Flat Belly.

I started Supper Thyme Cockeysville's 3-a-Day Fast Track meals last Thursday. I decided to hop aboard the Fast Track because it seemed liked a realistic alternative to the traditional gimmicky diets that never really work. The Fast Track isn't so much a diet as eating healthy and controlling portions.

I can't vouch for the Fast Track meals in terms of weight loss yet, but I can tell you I am really liking that they taste like "real" food and aren't miniscule portions that leave me wanting more. I have been somewhat hungry in between meals, but Supper Thyme encourages you to eat a healthy snack every few hours to keep your metabolism up. This seems to work.

To be completely honest, I also haven't stuck to the Fast Track meals 100%. My fiance, Todd, and I had dinner plans both nights during this past weekend. We attempted to order somewhat healthy options, but it didn't quite work out.

The sourdough rolls with sweet butter that came out before dinner was even served were the end of me. And Todd ordered a quarter of roasted chicken, but it ended up being drenched in butter ... Just further proving that restaurant eating makes it really difficult to lose weight!

There are a few things I'm really liking about the Fast Track meals so far. First, everything's already prepared. As a new mom, can I tell you how nice it is to not have to come up with a menu, go grocery shopping for it, prep the food, then cook it? All of the breakfasts and lunches can be cooked in the microwave in five minutes or less. The dinners have to be thawed, but then you just pop them in the oven or put the meat over a broiler. So easy!

Secondly, like I mentioned before, it's "real" food. It isn't this chemical, preservative ridden diet food like you find in Lean Cuisines. It's just healthy, fresh whole foods that are assembled into a meal for you.

Third, I don't feel deprived like I have on other diets in the past. I'm eating foods I normally eat, just in smaller quantities and healthier options substituted ... Stuff like high grain tortillas, omelettes with turkey bacon, or tilapia with an omega-3 rich marinade.

So .... so far so good! I haven't been perfect about sticking to the meal plan, but let's face it, I'm not perfect! Plus, I think it's okay to treat yourself every once in awhile. Otherwise, you'd go crazy! That's all for now on the Operation Flat Belly front :-)


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