Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Half Price Zoo Admission Through February!

Since many animals prefer indoors over outdoors during the winter, the Maryland Zoo in Baltimore is operating with limited hours and deeply discounted prices through February!

But with the mild winter we've been having, we're betting most animals have been out and about. Take advantage of warm (for February!) temperatures and 50% off ticket prices each weekend this month.

The zoo is open Fridays through Mondays, from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. through Monday, Feb. 27. Admission has been reduced to half off the regular weekend admission price, bringing adult admission to $8.25 each, children ages 2-11 $5.75 each and seniors $6.75 each.  Children under 2 and members are always FREE!  The zoo will resume normal operating hours and ticketing on Thursday, March 1, 2012.

Here are a few pictures of when we took advantage of the zoo's winter deal last year! Macy was just 2 months old. I can't believe she's now one! As you can see, there were quite a few animals out since it was a warm February day:

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